John Reece
John Reece is serving as our interim Director as of January 1, 2023. John started his barbershop career singing tenor in 1986 with the Framingham, MA chapter of BHS. Some of his co-workers sang with the chorus. They gave him a tape of The Boston Common and Happiness Emprorium and he played it until the tape wore out (yes, that could happen back in the day...). He joined the chorus and has been singing ever since. Some of the other choruses he has sung with have include The Lowell MA Gentleman Songsters, The Montgomery County Hometowne USA Chorus, Frederick MD Catoctones, The Singing Capital Chorus, The Harmonizers. John joined the Arlingtones after Everyone In Harmony so he could sing with his wife, Paula and now his youngest daughter, Megan.
John has sung a number of quartets throughout the years. The first one was Mill City Sound in Lowell, MA. His first district level quartet was Sentimental Sound, followed by On The Road, and The Establishment. Most recently Handsome Reward placed third in the southern Division in 2016. He now sings lead for Mixed Messages.
John has been an Assistant Director, Section Leader, Music and Performance VP, and Show Chairman during his long career. He is happy to lend his talents to The Arlingtones as the Chorus Director.